Belated birthday celebration for my bestie.her birthday falls on my exam period.and others couldn't make it due to so many reasons.Lolipot buffet dinner.Lot choices of food!yummy!!
With birthday girl ♥

banyak action and expressions
The Gay couple.Had lots of fun with this gang!
talk non stop.
laugh non stop.
bully~ing the guys.
force them to serve us drinks and ice cream.
super cute guys!
They are now our GIRLFRIENDs! =P
The awesome honeydew sago ice cream.
left so little when adrian went to get it.
So we asked the waiter to give us the whole box.

banana boat without banana!

happy birthday my dear!
The customer start leaving at 10pm.
while we're still eating.
The waiter just have to wait for us to leave until 10.30pm+
We gonna be blacklisted! haha

Still taking all the photos after paying the bills.Ignoring others in the restaurantGone crazy completely.

Stress-free night!Love u all lots! ♥♥♥