Friday, February 25, 2011

Bangkok *Feb 2011*

Call me Bangkok Girl.
In year 2007 the first time step into the big city, Bangkok.
& now i went there at least 2 times a year.

this time just a 10 days trip.
Short period and i'm sick there. =/

Had a day trip with mommy's colleague.
traveled to somewhere really far.
or maybe because Thailand's land is really huge!

Main destination for the trip -
Floral Fantasia
All flowers!!
I just amazed with Thai people creativity.

The main attraction =>

Flowerish Maze
- viewpoint tower -

hello~ can u spot me?
i was so active that day until can run up down from the viewpoint tower to the maze
Its just too beautiful.

- trying out the camera on the new iPod Touch -

Oh Yeahh!
Got an iPod Touch.
Thanks to Mommy.
It was slightly cheaper in Bangkok.
And i can buy many many cheap casings for it.

Pray hard. No more bad luck.
stay away from WATER. =/

1 hour plus travel distance to the national park.
To see this big black bear on the tree.
I didn't know whether did it survive on a tree
or he/ she is just sunbathing. =.=

Coffee break at beautiful cafe.
with a beautiful name A CUP OF LOVE .
many (thai) tourist actually.

Can you see me hiding somewhere?

There is a lil farm with sheeps, cows and small animals.

SS non-stop that day.
Pity my dad.
keep asking him to help me snap this and that.

At train station,
Waiting for the time to on board.

Bye Bangkok.
I will see you around May (i guess)

- totally exhausted.
I need a day break
and nua at home. -

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